Tanatswa A Makwasha

Form 4 Student - Class of 2024

My first experience with Eagles College was breathtaking. When Zimbabwe got hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and schools were forced to close, I thought I was finished. Eagles helped me get up on my feet again and I'm loving it. Every single bit of it!

Thandeka Bhebhe

Form 6 Student - Class of 2024

My experience with Eagles has been amazing. Ever since the COVID-19 lock downs, I have never missed a lesson and the teachers were smart, precise, patient and they paid attention to my individual needs. Whenever I lagged behind on a topic, they freely assisted, even outside normal school times.

Bazel Sanyangore

Form 5 Student - Class of 2025

When my parents moved from Harare to Kwekwe, the transition was awful and i didn't have many friends. I thought I'd be a misfit in my new school. When I joined Eagles College, the students were so welcoming, the student diversity is unique and fitting in was a breeze.

Gaopalelwe Chovunoita

Form 6 Student - Class of 2023

Eagles College has transformed my learning experience. The change to a new curriculum, the lockdowns forcing schools closed and not being able to attend lessons anywhere really distressed me. Eagles College has helped me to catch up and I think I'm ready for exams now.

Panashe Dube

Form 6 Student - Class of 2022

When I started classes with Eagles College, they were nothing like other lessons I've seen elsewhere. The learning experience is so hands-on such that many a times I forget that I'm actually inside the classroom. The lessons are so involving that I tend to forget about my surroundings.

Delight Derembwe

Form 4 Student - Class of 2024

All I can say to the Eagles College staff and to my parents is, "thank you for believing in me!" I had completely lost hope when schools were forced to close because of COVID-19. I thought my parents were going to give up on me and tell me that my 'O' level is enough. Instead, they found Eagles College and I'm definitely going to pass and sail through to 'A' level.